lunes, 27 de enero de 2020

Second Grade Mid - Term Exams Study Guide

Second Grade February Use of English Study Guide Sections II - III Level A2

1. Simple Present and Present Progressive (differences and time expressions. Frecuency Adverbs)
2. Simple Past: Regular and Irregular Verbs. Auxiliary "did" and "didn't"
3. Used to in all kinds of sentences
4. Would in all kinds of sentences 
5. Singular and Plural Nouns. Irregular ones too 
6. Possessive Nouns: 's, s' 
7. Quantifiers 
8. Some, a lot of, many, much, any
9. Another, other, others and article "the" too
10. Subject and Object pronouns 
II. Possessive Adjetives and pronouns 
12. Reflexive pronouns 

Please study from your books and notebooks and extra material. The very BEST luck to you all!!! 

Second Grade February Social Studies Study Guide Sections IV - V Level B1 

1. Pericles 
2. Greek Gods and Godesses 
3. Greek Philosophers 
4. The Republican Government 
5. Men and Women in Roman society 
6. Rich and Poor in Roman society 
7. The Peloponessian War 
8. The Roman Army 
9. The Punic Wars 

Please study from your books and notebooks. The very BEST for you all!!! 

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