lunes, 20 de abril de 2020

Third Grade April Topics

* Third Grade  Use of English April Topics 

 ° Unit 5: A Changing World. The Present Perfect Section I Level A

The  Present Perfect

-  Statements
-  Questions

- Using Adverbs with the Present Perfect: ALREADY -YET

- Using Adverbs with the Present Perfect: EVER / NEVER

. The Present Perfect Progressive


- Questions and Answers

* Third Grade Science - Chemistry April Topics

° Chapter 2: Separation Techniques 

- 2.3 Solubility

- 2.4 Filtration

Second Grade April Topics

* Second Grade Use of English April  Topics Sections II and III Level A2

° Unit 5: A Changing World. The Present Perfect

. The  Present Perfect

-  Statements
-  Questions

- Using Adverbs with the Present Perfect: ALREADY -YET

- Using Adverbs with the Present Perfect: EVER / NEVER

. The Present Perfect Progressive


- Questions and Answers

* Second Grade Social Studies - Great Civilizations Topics Sections IV and V Level B1


- 1.6 Pompeii

- 2.1 The origins of Chistianity

First Grade April Topics

* First Grade Use of English April Topics Section I Level A 

° Unit 3:  Work.Simple Present

. Lesson 4:  IMPERATIVES



° Unit 4: Lifestyles: Simple Present : Part 2




BOOK PAGES: 116 TO 124

* First Grade Science - Biology April Topics Sections IV and V Level A2

° Chapter 2: Ecosystem Processes




domingo, 22 de marzo de 2020

Claves de acceso para unirse a los grupos de trabajo en etapa de contingencia ambiental covid-19

 Claves para las clases de primer año:

1o Use of English Sección I:          


1o Science / Biology Sección IV:


1o Science / Biology Sección V:


*   Claves para las clases de segundo año:

2o Use of English Sección II:


2o Use of English Sección III:


2o Social Studies Sección IV:


2o Social Studies Sección V:


*   Claves de acceso para las clases de tercer año:

3o Use of English Sección I


3o Science / Chemistry Sección IV:


3o Science / Chemistry Sección V:


sábado, 15 de febrero de 2020

Third Grade March Topics

Third Grade Use of English March Topics Section I Level A2

* Unit 5 A Changing World. The Present Perfect

. Lesson 1 Present Perfect: Statements and Questions

* Present Perfect Statements

* Present Perfect Questions and Answers

* Adverbs withe the Present Perfect

* Present Perfect with FOR and SINCE

* Present Perfect. Past Time Clauses with SINCE

Third Grade Science Chemistry March Topics

. The Periodic Table

* Metals and non-metals

* Groups and Periods

* The Elements of Group 1

* The Elements of Group 7

Second Grade March Topics

Second Grade Use of English March Topics Sections II and III Level A2

* Unit 5 A Changing World. The Present Perfect

. Lesson 1 Present Perfect: Statements and Questions

* Present Perfect Statements

* Present Perfect Questions and Answers

* Adverbs withe the Present Perfect

* Present Perfect with FOR and SINCE

* Present Perfect. Past Time Clauses with SINCE

Second Grade Social Studies March Topics Sections IV and V Level B1

. Chapter 10 The Roman Republic

* Rome Expands

* The Republic in Crisis

* Julius Caesar

. Chapter 11 The Roman Empire and Christianity

* Augustus and THE PAX ROMANA

First Grade March Topics

First Grade  Use of English March Topics Section I Level A

* Unit 3 Work. Simple Present: Part 1

. Lesson 2.  Simple Present : Negative Statements and Contractions

* Simple Present: Negative Statements

* Like, need and want plus Infinitive

. Lesson 3. Verbs plus Objects

* Object Pronouns

. Lesson 4. Imperatives

* Affirmative Imperatives

* Negative Imperatives

First Grade Science Biology March Topics Sections IV and V Level A2

. Chapter 1: Health and LifeStyle

* Digestive System

* Bacteria and enzymes in digestion

* Drugs

* Alcohol

* Smoking

lunes, 27 de enero de 2020

Third Grade Mid - Term Exams Study Guide

Third Grade February Use of English Study Guide Section I Level A2

1. Simple Present and Present Progressive (differences and time expressions. Frecuency Adverbs)
2. Simple Past: Regular and Irregular Verbs. Auxiliary "did" and "didn't"
3. Used to in all kinds of sentences
4. Would in all kinds of sentences 
5. Singular and Plural Nouns. Irregular ones too 
6. Possessive Nouns: 's, s' 
7. Quantifiers 
8. Some, a lot of, many, much, any
9. Another, other, others and article "the" too
10. Subject and Object pronouns 
II. Possessive Adjetives and pronouns 
12. Reflexive pronouns 

Please study from your books and notebooks and extra material. The very BEST luck to you all!!! 

Third Grade February Science Chemistry Study Guide  Sections IV - V Level B2 

1. The Particle Model
2. States of Matter: melting, freezing, boiling, evaporation, condensation, sublimation
3. Difussion 
4. Gas pressure 
5. Elements
6. Atoms 
7. Compounds 
8. Chemical Formulae
9. Chemical Reactions
10. Word Equations 
11. Burning Fuels 
12. Termal Decomposition 
13. Conservation of mass
14. Exothermic and endotermic 
15. Acids and alkalis 
16. Indicators and pH
17. Neutralization 
18. Salts 

Please, study from your books and notebooks. The very BEST luck for you all!!! 

Second Grade Mid - Term Exams Study Guide

Second Grade February Use of English Study Guide Sections II - III Level A2

1. Simple Present and Present Progressive (differences and time expressions. Frecuency Adverbs)
2. Simple Past: Regular and Irregular Verbs. Auxiliary "did" and "didn't"
3. Used to in all kinds of sentences
4. Would in all kinds of sentences 
5. Singular and Plural Nouns. Irregular ones too 
6. Possessive Nouns: 's, s' 
7. Quantifiers 
8. Some, a lot of, many, much, any
9. Another, other, others and article "the" too
10. Subject and Object pronouns 
II. Possessive Adjetives and pronouns 
12. Reflexive pronouns 

Please study from your books and notebooks and extra material. The very BEST luck to you all!!! 

Second Grade February Social Studies Study Guide Sections IV - V Level B1 

1. Pericles 
2. Greek Gods and Godesses 
3. Greek Philosophers 
4. The Republican Government 
5. Men and Women in Roman society 
6. Rich and Poor in Roman society 
7. The Peloponessian War 
8. The Roman Army 
9. The Punic Wars 

Please study from your books and notebooks. The very BEST for you all!!! 

First Grade Mid - Term Exams Study Guide

First Grade February Use of English Study Guide Section I Level A

1. Demonstrative Adjetives: this, that, these, those
2. Simple Present (Action Verbs). Third persons he, she, it endings:  s, es, ies
3. Verbs: go - goes, have-has, do - does
4. Negative sentences with action words: don't, doesn't
5. Possessive Nouns:'s, s' 
6. Verb To be: am, is, are

Please study from your books and notebooks and extra material given. The very BEST luck!!! 

First Grade February Science Biology Study Guide Sections IV-V Level A2 

1. The microscope
2. Levels of organization in the human body 
3. Parts and functions in the plant cell
4. Parts and functions in the hunan cell
5. Human body systems and functions 
6. The human skeleton: bones, location and functions 
7. The human muscles: kinds, location and functions
7. Boys' and girls' puberty. Emotional and physical changes
8. Parts of the flower: location and functions
8. Plant growth
9. Kinds of seed dispersal 
10. Kinds of vitamins: functions and food location of them

Please study from your books and notebooks and extra material given. Good luck!!!