lunes, 17 de diciembre de 2018

Second Grade December Logs

Second Grade Use of English - Grammar Explorer 2A Sections II - III Level A2

1. Front page
2. Nouns
* Use
* Classification (kinds)
3. Singular and Plural Nouns dictation
4. Possessive Nouns
* Note
* Exercises
5. Another/ Other/ The Other
* Note
* Exercises
6. Countable and Uncountable Nouns
* Note
* Classification
* Measurement Words
7. Charts (copied in notebook from the book)
8. Exam Review
9. Book pages 62/72
10. Homework

Second Grade Social Studies - Great Civilizations Sections IV -V Level  B1

1. Front page
2. Quiz correction
3. Quiz pasted
4. Men and Women un Ancient Roman Society
* Summary
* Illustrations
* Personal opinion
5. Rich and poor Roman people
* Graph
* Illustrations
6. Review questionnaire
7. Gods and biliefs
* Summary
* Illustrations
8. Exam Review
9. Homework
10. Study guide printed and pasted

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