sábado, 2 de junio de 2018

Guía Temática para Examen Final Reading - Literature Segundo IV A2

Dear students, please study from your books and notebooks and extra classwork.
Remember to also read your book The Count of Monte Cristo chapters 1 to 6 and bring it with you the day of your exam.

1. Gist.
2. Details.
3. Use the context to infere the meaning.
4. Reading comprehension, choose from a set of words the one that suits the logical meaning of a paragraph.
5. Take information from a text and use it to discriminate false from true statements.
6. Subordinating Conjunctions (when, after, before, as, as soon as, until, since, while)
7. Participle of verbs
Antonyms and Synonyms

*The Count of Monte Cristo
A. Plot.
B. Characters

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