jueves, 31 de octubre de 2019

Tarea de primer grado semana del 4 al 8 de noviembre

Homework First Grade Science Biology Sections IV - V Level A2

° Find out and Write about the 3 different kinds of joints. Illustrate

° Find out and Write about 3 bone injuries

Homework First Grade Use of English Grammar Explorer 1A Section I Level A

° Book page 48

° Sign Sound Reading report

viernes, 25 de octubre de 2019

Tarea de tercer grado semana del 28 de Octubre al 1 de Noviembre de 20 19

Homework Science - Chemestry Sections IV - V Level B2

* Give an example and explanation of the following chemical reactions

° Combination
° Decomposition
° Combustion
° Single displacement
° Double dusplacement
° Redox

Homework Use of English - Grammar Explorer 2A Section I Level A2

* Sign your Reading Plus report
* Anwer book page 53 exercises 1 and 2

Tarea de segundo grado semana del 28 de Octubre al 1 de Noviembre

Homework Second Grade Social Studies - Great Civilizations Sections IV - V Level B1.

* Illustrate the Colossus of Rhodes

Homework Second Grade Use of English - Grammar Explorer 2A Sections II and III Level A2

* Anwer book page 53 exercise 2

Tarea de primer grado semana del 28 de Octubre al 1 de Noviembre de 20 19

Homework First Grade Science - Biology Sections IV - V Level A2

* Find out about 2 respiratory disorders. Print or Write in notebook. Illustrate.

Homework First Grade Use of English Section I Level A

* Firmar reporte de Sound Reading

* Anwer book pages 28 and 29

lunes, 21 de octubre de 2019

Tarea de tercer grado del 21 al 25 de noviembre de 2019

Homework Third Grade Use of English Section I Level A2

* Bring a collage picture with activities you did when you were children.

Tarea de segundo grado del 21al 25 de Noviembre de 2019

Homework Use of English Second Grade Sections II and III Level A2

* Draw a classroom scene with different students and activities in it.

* Write 10 sentences. Use When and While Clauses.

Homework Social Studies Second Grade Sections IV-V Level B1

* Create a mask (make) to represent a philosopher's idea in a monologue no longer than a minute.

* To be delivered on Thursday, October 31st

sábado, 19 de octubre de 2019

Tarea de primer grado del 21al 25 de Noviembre de 2019

Homework Use of English First Grade  Section I Level A

* Book page 35 exercises 1 and 3
* Book page 36 exercises 5 and 6
* Book page 37 exercise 7

Homework Science Biology First Grade Sections IV-V Level A2

* Project: Make (create) an organ system with recycled material.
* Size: 1/4 cardboard
* Name of System
* Organs
* Function(s)

To be delivered on Thursday,  October 31st

martes, 15 de octubre de 2019

Third Grade November Topics

Third Grade November Topics Use of English Section I Level A2

* Unit 2 Survival
° The Past

* Lesson 2
° Past Progressive and Simple Past

* Lesson 3
° Past Time Clauses

* Lesson 4
° Used to
° Would

*Unit 3 Health and Fitness
° Nouns

* Lesson 1
° Plural Nouns
° Possessive Nouns

Third Grade November Topics Science Chemestry Sections IV-V Level B2

* Chapter 2: Elements, atoms and compounds

° Compounds

* Chapter 3: Reactions

° Chemical reactions
° Word equations
° Burning Fuels
° Thermal decomposition

Second Grade November Topics

Second Grade November Topics Use of English Sections II-III Level A2

* Unit 2 Survival
° The Past

* Lesson 2
° Past Progressive and Simple Past

* Lesson 3
° Past Time Clauses

* Lesson 4
° Used to
° Would

*Unit 3 Health and Fitness
° Nouns

* Lesson 1
° Plural Nouns
° Possessive Nouns

* Second Grade November Topics Social Studies Sections IV-V Level B1

* Chapter 9 Classical Greece

° The Spread of Hellenistic Culture
° Philosophy and Literature
° Arts and Architecture
° Democracy and Law

* Unit 4 The World of the Romans
* Chapter 10 The Roman Republic

° The Geography of Ancient Rome

First Grade November Topics

First Grade November Topics Use of English Section I Level A

* Unit 1 People
° The Verb Be

* Lesson 3
° Descriptive Adjectives

* Lesson 4
° Possesssive Adjetives
° Possesssive Nouns

*Unit 2 Celebrations
° The Verb Be: Questions

* Lesson 1 Simple Present of Be: Yes / No Questions

First Grade November Topics Science Biology Sections IV-V Level A2

* Chapter 2 Structure and function of body systems

° Levels of organization
° Gas excgange
° Breathing
° Skeleton