sábado, 30 de marzo de 2019

First Grade April Study Guides

First Grade April Study Guide Science Human Body Health and Systems. Sections V-VI Level A2

*Unit 4. Comunication and Control

°Section 2 Responding to the Environment
°Section 3. The Endocrin System

*Unit 6 Body Defenses and Disease

°Section 1 Disease
°Section 2 Your Body 's Defenses

*Unit 7 Staying Healthy

°Section 1 Good Nutrition

lunes, 11 de marzo de 2019

English Fair

Dear students the time has arrived: the English Fair is coming. There is a wonderful opportunity to show your family your improvement in the English language.
So, prepare it with enthusiasm and do your best.

March 22nd is a special day; all junior high school students will have the opportunity

to prove their skills in oral communication through a great event called English Fair.

In this event, students (by teams) will create, prepare and develop a speech about

COMICS. They will decide on materials, outfit, accesories

and stand decoration. The day of the event, they will show their work to the audience.   

Each student will be evaluated as indicated by each teacher. event including  the participation of parents through a special passport they will get in thew entrance of the event and fill up with their visit to the stands.

 Aspects to be considered:

In the class:

* Contents research
* Speech preparation

* Activity with parents
* Outfit selection
* Stand decoration creation - banner 1.60 high .60 wide, format jpg,720 dpi

   table 2.20 long 

* Souvenirs for parents
* Speech rehearsal

* Respectful and responsible teamwork

Note: no material will be created in class.

Requirements for the day of the event:

* Students must be at school at 7:00 am
* In case of special outfit, they can come to school wearing it.
* They have to bring a big box, scotch tape, scissors, stapler, string, a rubber stamp and any material they need. They should include two big trash bags.
* They will bring a tablecloth, big enough to cover the table.
* In case of electronic devices, they will bring enough wire to plug it in
   (all electronic devises' care is under students' responsibility)
* In case of food, they can bring small food samples, candy or chocolate;
   full dishes are not allowed.


* They will receive parents in the stand with joy and enthusiasm.

* Their speech must be clearly said and learnt by heart, check pronunciation.

* Each team will give their speech to every group of parents that visit their stand;
   after that, they will mark the parents' passport with a rubber stamp.
* They will respect the starting and ending hour of the event.
They won't be allowed to leave their stand during the event.


A passport will be given to parents at their arriving to the event. That passport will be stamped or sealed after they listen to each team, parents should deliver the passport at their leaving completely sealed.