° Countable and uncountable nouns
° Measurement words
° Ancient Rome
° The Roman Republic
° Geography of Ancient Rome
° The Founding of Rome
° Republicant Government
° The Roman Forum
° Ancient Roman Men and Women
° Rich and Poor Roman Society
° Countable and Uncountable Nouns
° Measurement Words
° Describe how color indicates the temperatura of a star
° Explain how a scientist can identify a star’s composition
° Describe how scientist classify stars
° Compare absolute magnitude with apparent magnitude
° Identify how astronomers measure distances from Earth to stars
° The Life Cycles of Stars.
° Section 1. Stars
- Color of stars: blue / red // cold / hot - Composition of stars
* The color of light (spectrum)
* Making an ID
* Spectrograph (continuous and absorption spectrum) - Classifying stars (Color and temperature) - The brightness of stars (Apparent and absolute magnitude) - Distance of stars (Measurements in light years / Parallax) - Motion of stars (Apparent and actual stars' motion)
° Section 2. The Life Cycle of Stars
- The beginning and end of stars: process - Different types of stars (main-sequence, giant, supergiant, white dwarfs) - The H-R tool for studying stars
* Ejnar Hertzsrung and Henry Norris Russel
* Graph reading - Objects after a star's explosion (supernova, neutron star, pulsar, black hole)
° Section 3. Galaxies
- Types of galaxies (Spiral, elliptical, irregular)
* The Milky Way - Contents of galaxies ( nebula, globular cluster, open cluster) - Origin of galaxies (quasar)
° Section 4. Formation of the Universe
- Cosmology - Universal Expansion - The Big Bang Theory
* A tremendous explosion
* Cosmic background radiation - Structure of the universe
* A cosmic repetition - Age of the universe - A forever expanding universee